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While conventional medicine is largely geared towards putting a “band-aid” over symptoms, functional medicine tackles the root cause first. This involves a full-person approach that considers how different systems in the body all work together. 

We use advanced lab testing, targeted food recommendations, therapeutic supplements and lifestyle strategies to address why your symptoms are manifesting. This ensures that your healing is sustained without negative side effects.

What is functional medicine?

There are no shortcuts or guarantees when it comes to health. But time and time again, we’ve worked with clients who had “tried everything” without success until they came to us. This is due to our root cause, full-person approach. 

If you’ve had little luck with primary care providers, standard dietitians, and restrictive diets, our 1:1 Functional Health Consulting may be an excellent fit for you. We invite you to read some of our past client experiences here

How do I know this will actually help me?

We can obtain excellent results with minimal lab testing. In many cases, clients invest about $250-$600 in testing, which is a fraction of the rate for many labs available. All of our clients get wholesale prices on labs and we do not markup the costs to ensure your expenses stay as low as possible.

How much do I need to invest in lab testing?

We don’t prescribe strict meal plans because we’ve found they simply don’t provide lasting results for most people. Instead, we focus on helping you build sustainable habits and educating you with foundational nutrition knowledge.  

That said, we often do collaborative meal planning with clients in sessions. This allows you to see where you can make adjustments in your diet while still leaving room for flexibility. It also empowers you to build your meal planning skills so you can use everything you learn with us for years to come.

Do you provide meal plans?

To maximize the amount of time and energy spent on your care, we are not in-network with insurance. However, we can provide clients with standardized CMS 1500 forms (“super bills”) that you can submit directly to your insurance to seek reimbursements for my services. We accept HSA, FSA and all major credit cards as a form of payment. HSAs and FSAs can also be used for supplements and lab work. 

Do you take insurance?

We work with - and help - many clients who are concerned with stubborn weight gain. Our focus is on a full-body approach. So, we consider weight loss a positive side effect of the overall health improvements and lifestyle changes we help you implement (if it’s safe and appropriate for your body to lose weight). 

Will you help me lose weight?

Conventional dietitians provide textbook diet recommendations and basic supplement advice. Yes, food is an integral part of our toolkit - but we don't subscribe to typical diets, and we know that sometimes food modifications are not enough. We are also experts in using advanced testing to identify issues, incorporate advanced supplements in therapeutic ways, and recommend specific lifestyle products and strategies. That is how we are able to heal issues that standard dietitians cannot resolve.

How is this different from seeing a regular dietitian?

Common conditions we treat include IBS, IBD, h. pylori, SIBO, candida, parasites, mold toxicity, PCOS, estrogen dominance, low testosterone, hypothyroidism, acne, eczema, amenorrhea, Rheumatoid arthritis, fatigue and anxiety to name a few. Many clients come to us with a mixture of symptoms but no clear answer to what’s causing them. We help them find that answer so we can treat the root cause accordingly. However, we also love working with clients who feel well and want to stay healthy.

What kind of health conditions do you help with?




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