conditions we treat

Functional Medicine for Gut Health Issues

Have you ever dreaded social events because you don’t know where the nearest restroom will be? Or you aren’t sure which foods you can eat without needing three days to recover from the bloating? Maybe you do everything “right”; you eat whole foods, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water, but you still can’t crack the code on your gut health. 

We’ve been there and know how frustrating it can be to give so much of your time and attention to your gut health, and still not get the results you’re hoping for. 

And you’re certainly not alone!

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The Stats

Gut health issues are becoming increasingly prevalent with the global
rise of digestive diseases doubling since 1990 and nearly two-thirds of Americans struggling with uncomfortable gut symptoms¹

Sadly, 40% of Americans have reported giving up activities like exercise, running errands, or spending time with loved ones due to their
gut symptoms¹.  And there’s no end in sight: the prevalence of digestive
diseases is predicted to continue its steady rise into the future¹

Bloating after meals, uncomfortable gas, watery stool, and going days without bowel movements are common, but that doesn’t mean they’re normal.

Your body is designed to digest food without uncomfortable side effects and produce
daily, easy-to-pass stools. If it’s not doing that, it’s an indication of a deeper condition. 

Not only do gut issues like urgency, bloating, constipation and diarrhea impact quality of life, but they have downstream effects on the whole body. The gut influences everything from the immune system to the nervous system and everything in between. A healthy gut supports a stable mood, healthy heart and brain, high quality sleep, and balanced hormones. Blood sugar regulation, weight management, inflammation and even allergies can often be traced back to the gut. 

Getting your gut health in-check is fundamental for your overall health, paving the way for you to return to a more enjoyable life! 

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The lining of the gastrointestinal tract forms the barrier between the outside world and the host (that’s you), protecting you from harmful pathogens, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. 

Certain underlying conditions can cause the GI lining to become permeable and allow the passage of toxins, antigens, and bacteria into the bloodstream, an effect known as  “leaky gut”. A leaky gut allows environmental factors to enter the body, triggering the initiation and development of inflammation and disease elsewhere in the body²

Leaky gut has become more well known in recent years and Googling the phrase will generate millions of articles about how to heal it. Although supporting leaky gut with food, herbs, or supplements that repair the intestinal lining can be helpful, it doesn’t get to the crux of the problem. Fixing leaky gut requires understanding and addressing the root cause of the increased intestinal permeability which often requires functional testing.

Gut health affects overall health and wellbeing because what happens in the gut rarely stays in the gut. 

The collection of bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea living in the gut are referred to as the “gut microbiome” and they play a critical role in maintaining health. They help breakdown food to extract essential nutrients, teach the immune system to recognize dangerous invaders, produce anti-inflammatory compounds that fight disease, and some even make vitamins on their own. 

Why Gut
Health Matters

how we work together

Then, we use the Five “R” Approach to holistic gut healing. The 5R Protocol is a widely accepted and effective framework for treating the underlying cause of GI disturbances to restore the gut microbiome to health³.

At Birchwell, we start with an in-depth assessment of your health history, habits and goals, and conduct extensive lab testing to get a holistic view of your health.

Birchwell’s Approach
to Functional Medicine
for Gut Health

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Finally, we address whole body health and lifestyle considerations like sleep, diet, exercise, and stress management to prevent future GI dysfunction.


Since we know dysbiosis damages the lining of the gut, it’s important to restore the integrity of the intestinal barrier with soothing and sealing nutrients. We simultaneously support the immune system to give the gut the nutrients it needs to maintain its newfound healthy balance.


After we’ve removed problematic bacteria and pathogens, we can recolonize the healthy, beneficial bacteria with targeted pre and probiotics to re-establish microbial balance.


Then we restore proper digestion and absorption by replacing digestive enzymes and stomach acid when appropriate. By restoring your body’s natural function, you become your own internal pharmacy and no longer need to rely on supplement support.


We begin by identifying and removing problematic viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites using broad-spectrum herbs designed to target the specific pathogen. In some cases, removing specific foods, medications, or excess stress is necessary.


Then, we use the Five “R” Approach to holistic gut healing. The 5R Protocol is a widely accepted and effective framework for treating the underlying cause of GI disturbances to restore the gut microbiome to health³.

At Birchwell, we start with an in-depth assessment of your health history, habits and goals, and conduct extensive lab testing to get a holistic view of your health.

Birchwell’s Approach
to Functional Medicine
for Gut Health

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Alternative solutions like elimination diets are becoming increasingly popular, and although they can provide temporary relief, they fail to offer sustainable solutions. 

Elimination diets like low FODMAP, low histamine, AIP, gluten-free, and dairy-free can be temporary tools to manage symptoms by removing excess inflammation, they aren’t a treatment for the underlying issues or cause of food intolerances. In fact, eliminating a variety of foods and food groups can further damage the gut by starving good bacteria of their preferred food sources. 

Unfortunately, conventional tests like routine blood work, colonoscopies, ultrasounds, and even parasite testing are just scratching the surface of potential gut health issues. They can determine structural abnormalities and the presence of inflammation, but they offer little information about the balance of good and bad bacteria, presence of pathogens or H. pylori, integrity of the gut lining, or other intestinal health markers. 

Since standard treatment plans like antibiotics, laxatives, or high fiber diets are built on the results of conventional testing, they often miss the root cause of gut health issues. The standard approach of prescribing medications for symptoms is a bandaid to deeper problems and is often accompanied by unfortunate side effects such as nutrient deficiencies, kidney injury, impaired immunity, weak bones and (ironically) more gut symptoms.  

Conventional approaches to gut health often overlook critical steps in the digestive process and conventional tests can miss underlying causes of chronic digestive symptoms.

Functional gut health tests are specifically designed to evaluate the entire digestive tract, from start to finish. They assess dysbiosis, intestinal permeability, and infections to make sure we’re uncovering why your symptoms occurred in the first place. 

Functional Testing
for Gut Health Issues

In short, a healthy microbiome hinges on the entire digestive system. 

The unique insights we gather from functional gut health testing allow us
to create truly unique and effective treatment plans, healing you from the
inside out. Targeted treatment plans offer temporary relief and sustained,
long term healing so you can feel like yourself again

The unique insights we gather from functional gut health testing allow us to create truly unique and effective treatment plans, healing you from the inside out. Targeted treatment plans offer temporary relief and sustained, long term healing so you can feel like yourself again

At Birchwell, we use advanced testing
like breath tests, comprehensive stool analysis,
bloodwork, organic acid testing and more to
understand and treat digestive conditions that
might otherwise be missed. 

At Birchwell, we use advanced testing like breath tests, comprehensive stool analysis, bloodwork, organic acid testing and more to understand and treat digestive conditions that might otherwise be missed. 

  • Joint Pain
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Weight Gain or Loss
  • Food Cravings
  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Asthma
  • Many more
  • Skin Conditions (Eczema, Rosacea, Acne)
  • Brain Fog or Headaches
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Hypothyroidism

Extraintestinal Symptoms

  • Heartburn
  • Belching
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

  • Candida / Yeast
  • Parasites
  • Dysbiosis
  • Histamine Intolerance
  • Acid Reflux / GERD
  • Gastritis
  • Gastroparesis
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
  • H. Pylori

Common Gut Health Conditions

Symptoms & Conditions
of Gut Health Imbalances

Even in a world where gut health issues
are on the rise, it's easy to feel isolated in your struggle to find relief. 

With the global increase in digestive diseases and the profound impact these issues can have on your daily life, it's more important than ever to recognize the crucial role of gut health in your overall well-being.  

Your gut is not just a digestive system; it's a complex ecosystem that influences everything from your immune system to your mood, heart, brain, and even your sleep.

At Birchwell, we address the root causes of
your gut issues, offering a comprehensive
solution that goes beyond standard testing
and conventional treatments. 

journey to better gut health

Functional testing provides us with the insights needed to create
personalized, effective treatment plans that offer short and long-term
solutions. Let's work together to restore your health so you can reclaim
your life. Your journey to better gut health starts here.
Functional testing provides us with the insights needed to create personalized, effective treatment plans that offer short and long-term solutions. Let's work together to restore your health so you can reclaim your life. Your journey to better gut health starts here.

At Birchwell, we address the root causes of your gut issues, offering a comprehensive solution that goes beyond standard testing and conventional treatments. 

Book a non-obligation, complimentary discovery call to chat with one of our practitioners to see if Birchwell is the right fit for you.  To learn more about the process of working together, visit our service page.

Curious how we can help
you improve your gut health?

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